Title meant Parthiban
Kanavu (PK) to Kaathu Vaakla Rendu Kadhal (KVRK).
Parthiban Kanavu
Released in 2003, it was certainly amongst the most underrated
movies of its generation. The movie revolves around a young marketing
executive, Parthiban (played by Srikanth) and his journey in finding the right life
partner. As he starts falling for an attractive modern girl played by Sneha, he
is arranged by his family to get engaged to a docile girl (again played
expertly by Sneha). In this confusion, he gets married to a girl who he doesn’t
like but resembles the girl that he likes. How all the confusion get resolved,
forms the basis of this amazing movie. It is also one of the classics of comedian,
late Vivek and his combination with Devadarshini resulting in rip-roaring
hilarious sequences.
Kaathu Vaakla Rendu Kadhal
I have not watched the movie, but from all the reviews it
seems to revolve around Rambo (played by Vijay Sethupathi) and his two
girlfriends played by Nayantara and Samantha. One of the reviewers mentioned
how the two girls, after getting to know the truth, fight with each other
rather than taking the fight to Vijay Sethupathi’s character.
Movies seem to be quite an appropriate evaluation of the
times we live in and the disparity between the movies shows much the society
has developed or regressed from any individual’s point of view. Ages ago, it
was common for a man to marry many wives and Lord Rama decided to change the
trend then by marrying Sita and Sita mata only. Perhaps we have just come a
full circle with KVRK. Who knows, the next trend could be one girl and two boyfriends..
or did I just reveal the plot line for some new age director’s next movie? 😊