Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friends for Life!!

Dil chata Hai, Jaane Tu, Kalluri , Happy Days.. All these movie have one theme in common- friendship. To me friends are my life. This is my tribute to my best friends who have listened to my mokkai jokes, made me laugh all the time when they are there around, who have given me a shoulder to cry upon in times of distress and most importantly have always been there to speak to and advice me if I went wrong anywhere.

Where to start.. Hmm.. that’s a tuf one as I have blessed with so many good friends.. :) I will start with my best friend Deeptha. I have known her from my 8th standard, though we became friends only later, in our college life. I have never ever seen such a person, so very confident in whatever she does and she does it best. She my first goto person whenever I have any probs and she been my pillar of support right from my college days. Speaking of college days, I had very few friends. But one of them is Francis aka Vijay bcoz he looks so much like him. Hez a real time romeo with so many luv stories in his kitty. We both have watched so many movies at udayam and Kasi ;), but I never gotta chance to watch a Vijay movie with him.

School days were super cool where I had a group of friends – Deepak, Badri, Abishek and Kaushik. Though we never used to go to movies and stuff, we were kinda close friends. I still remember the beautiful Ooty trip that we had in 12th. That was a great trip. My next best friends came in college – Aravindhan and Arun. But the curious fact is that we became friends only during the final project of our undergrad and our friendship has been going strong from that. We always have a nice time together, though I could not meet them this time when I was in Chennai. I hope to meet them in here sometime.

After college came the best and most cherished 45 days of my life where I went to Trivandrum for my TCS training. I met so many of best friends there – Surendar, Sangeetha(my sis kinda ;) ), Manoj, Sajana, Mahesh, Anu, Vijila, Rajesh, Vijay Karthick, Meyyamai, Gayathri, Hima Bindu. Quite a gang in itself!! Surendar and I shared our room and we kinda have become bros ;). We all had a great time at the beaches in Trivandrum and were kinda in tears when we had to part off after the training.

Moving on to TCS office ka friends, I was fortunate to have 2 super cool aka rowdy friends ;). Sudha and Ranjani. I really started enjoying my workplace after my rather schoolish Satyabama college undergrad. I met sudhs and ranjani in my project where we became great friends. I still cherish the moments where we used to laugh so heartily in our canteen that passerby people used to stare at us. Really miss those times ;) The list of my other cool friends from office is huge but I hope to accommodate them as much as I can. Here it goes – Arjun, Sembian, Sai, Pratibha, Vamsee, Ranga, Senthamarai, Deepti, Kamal, Anupama, Seeni, Ravindar, Arun, Karun, Satish, Subbu, Shine, Kurunji and many many others. I have to specially mentioned about me best friend Karthick Chidambaram. Hez like my elder bro. Whenever I have to do anything important in life, hez my goto person(So cool and collected in thoughts and words). If I am doing my MBA in US, hez the big reason behind it. I cherish the times we used to go to Mayajaal and also out IMS classes. Infact we had a gala time there  Speaking of IMS, I would want to mention my friend Vikram and Karthick. I and Vikram really slogged it out for GMAT and Karthick provides me expert advices on the IT industry ;)

So I have nearly reached the end of my friendship list. Speaking about good friends, I have mention my roomies (or they will kill me).. He he.. But actually we have become good friends. Oh! I have forgotten to mention their names. Kartik- padipu genious and Pandian- Finance Genie. And also in my big bandwagon of friends are 2 other gud friends – Ashwini and Nithya. Together we form the Happy days gang ;)

There so many friends of mine who I have laughed with, shared food, had great times. I hope to have included everybody in here but I may have missed somebody. Please forgive me.. I will surely incorporate u in Version 2.0 ;) now I speak like an IT guy.. Thanks to everybody who have made my life so meaningful.. Therz no life without friends.. and I cherish all the time that I had with u guyz… THANKS!!


Peppermint Patty said...

Nice post...Great post, in fact...I can't agree more...There's always always a very special place for fact they make us what we are!!! I was also thinking about the same thing today, there's nothing as positive as having friends.. the amount of joy, positive energy, sharing, caring and meaning that comes out of good friendships is boundless!!!

My only grouse, you didn't even think of me while writing this post :-(

Kartik said...

hey arvinth, great post ! Know what, I keep saying great things about liking US but I wonder what I would have done if you, pandi and Ash were not here! i feel very much at home because of u guys :)
thx da for including me in the list n all d very best!

Pandian said...

great work da...
happy days !!!

Author said...

Thats a cool summary of Friends .....i have to make one too !!!