Monday, March 14, 2011


When I was a kid the “End-Of-World” feeling seemed quite funny and remotely plausible. My sister would fondly say that she and her father should be saved somehow :) I hope that now her wish would get changed to she and her brother just being saved.

When I visited the Mayan heartland for my summer internship in 2009, the rumors of 2012 prophecy were so strong and had caught on like a wild fire and there was an entire section in a book store dedicated to that. I passed off the incident as a rumor-mill working its strongest to sell more books.

Even the 10 minutes of extreme catastrophe in the movie 2012 when the entire state of California is shown to be destroyed by a massive earthquake did not affect me and still the end-of-world feeling seemed very distant phenomenon.

But as I and my roomate were watching hundreds of homes being swept away in the strong tsunami tides that lashed northern Japan after the strongest earthquake in its history, I have started to believe in the end-of-world phenomenon and that our end is bound to happen sooner or later unless we take drastic steps.

I can vaguely remember my trip to Kalpakkam nuclear plant many years ago where I saw tens of hundreds of jellyfish being killed when sea water was sucked in and used to cool the plant. Perhaps the Sea god is angry that we have dumped every waste product into the sea that we have had two major Tsunamis in such a short period.

I believe our mother earth has been far too silent and accommodative to all our atrocious activities from mining, to drilling oil to torturing and killing animals and polluting all river bodies that the time for a payback is very near. Unless we learn to live in harmony with Nature, I believe our end is very near and I hope the latest warning given to us would open our eyes and help us and our future generations survive.

1 comment:

Narendra Reddy said...

Good..interesting view point. Mother nature angry with us for all the crazy stuff we doing, totally accepted.

Then, why did mother earth wipe out Dinosaurs? they didn't run factories, wage wars, pollute, drill, dump crap...what paavum did they do?

Dad, who is a geologist said that Earth resets itself, whether we drill or don't it's a process, eventually like Dino's we too would be wiped out, and that has nothing to do with either pollution or god. ;-)