Monday, December 27, 2010

The Reddy DON!!

I first met him when my belief of ‘Best friends can be made at school and college’ had strengthened quite a lot. As I sat in the tiny room of the dingy building which housed the Business Objects coaching class exactly an year ago, little did I know, that I would find my best friend, a very very close confidante sitting right next to me. As I introduced myself, I got to know him, my dear friend Narendra Reddy.

Its not so tough to find that the person who is sitting right next to you has exactly the same mindset as yours, for it was the very next day, that I was sitting at his home gobbling down his mom’s tasty omelets and talking to him like a long lost friend. We talked and talked for hours together and perhaps I consider it to be the best thing that happened to me in quite a long time. 

I admire so many facets of his, some of which I have tried to incorporate in my life. He has absolutely the best communication skills I have ever seen. His ability to listen to the most boring topic with rapt attention is something I truly admire and tried to follow, but with little success. Perhaps I understood from him, that like him, I too can do only one task properly at a given point of time.

But more than all these things, we understand that we are HAPPY when we chat or talk, which perhaps is the biggest thing in any relationship especially friendship. He has been there for me when I needed help; advice, support and I hope that God gives me an opportunity to repay his kindness and affection.

THANK YOU, REDDY DON(as I fondly call him). I just hope our friendship lasts longer and stronger.

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